My Portfolio
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Assessment-Based Certification
Unmatched success in disaster readiness training with the Personal Safety And Security Certificate
Authoring Tool: Evolve
Situation: Save the Children, an international non-governmental organization (NGO) that focuses on improving the lives of children around the world, directed new employees to complete a Personal Safety and Security course available on the DisasterReady.org learning portal before they were allowed to travel and required them to re-complete it every 4 years. In 2019 we notified Save that this course required Flash player, and Flash would not be supported by the end of 2020. This created a dilemma for Save as they did not have the resources to create a new course and they needed it within 6 months.
Objective: Create easy to use responsive courses, updated with new information and modules, available for offline consumption and in multiple languages. The English versions needed to be completed within 6 months.
Action: While some content from the original course could be repurposed, the graphics all needed to be edited or redone since they did not adhere to DEI standards, and new modules needed to be created. In addition, many Save employees worked in the field and did not have ready access to the internet so there needed to be an offline version. Moreover, since this certification would be available in multiple languages, including Arabic, we chose Evolve as the authoring tool since it easily accommodates both right-to-left languages and downloadable resources.
Working with our Save UK partner, in 4.5 months, I edited and created all new graphics that met DEI standards, developed ten short, online courses, each with a downloadable PDF version for offline viewing, tested the Personal Safety and Security Certification, and produced an introduction video to accompany the program.
Tools used:
After Effects
Premiere Pro
Result: Save was thrilled with both the courses and the response from staff on the ground. The Personal Safety And Security Certificate became the most successful rollout of any learning type in Ready history, as well as the most requested Certification in Foundation history for two years running, not just for Save staff, but for all users in the Disaster Ready learning portal.

Do No Harm Course
Exceeding stakeholder and learner expectations with innovative and appealing training
Authoring Tool: domiKnow Flow
Situation: Our partner Mercy Corp, a global humanitarian organization (in cooperation with the non-profit, CDA Collaborative), funded a course to teach aid and development workers how to apply the Do No Harm framework to increase effectiveness, accountability, and efficiency in programming choices and to avoid unintentionally making a destructive conflict worse. The original course needed updating and was going to be offered with translated versions in Arabic, French, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Russian.
Objective: Create a responsive coursethat captivated and sustained the learner's attention and accommodated right-to-left languages.
Action: Using content from CDA Collaborative, I developed a responsive course with a video scenario presented in advance of a scored test. With learners from 195 countries and in consideration of the subject matter, we didn't want the course to be location specific, so I created custom graphics and "cartoonized" them, along with some stock videos for the scenario.
Tools used:
Adobe Illustrator
After Effects
Premiere Pro
Result: Stakeholders and learners were very happy with the course. They appreciated the redesign that included more active engagement, more contextualized graphics, and the compelling video scenario.

Blended Learning Course
Empowering growth through tailored training solutions that inspire and expand possibilities
Authoring Tool: Storyline 360
Situation: Many of the global nonprofits that we partnered with at Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation struggled to create a training solution that met the specific learning needs of the audience, the organization, and training drivers. We were often asked to consult to help them design training to optimize the training experience and achieve the desired learning outcomes. After surveying our learners and assessing what was available in our catalog, we realized that an introductory course on blended learning could fill a content gap and help our learning audience.
Objective: Create a responsive, engaging introductory course on blended learning training solutions to reach our global audience.
Action: With support from our subject matter expert, we developed a storyboard that introduced content designers to eight of the learning modalities common to a blended learning solution with a combination of text, graphics, and videos. My role was to develop the course, create the videos and graphics, and provide the voice over narration. Our script introduced us to Robert and Maria, a learner and a course designer who discover that a blended learning solution is the best solution for their volunteer training program. Since we wanted to appeal as broadly as possible to our learners, I created stickman-style animated videos to tell Robert's and Maria's story, then used Storyline 360 to construct the course.
Tools used:
Adobe Illustrator
After Effects
Premiere Pro

Result: There was very positive feedback and based on the introductory course our strategic plan included developing additional modules that delve deeper to provide more advanced learning opportunities.


Sizzle Reel
Before the launch of my team's new microlearning approach to system training, I was asked to create a short, promotional video to ignite curiosity and excitement with our clients. For this project, I used the badges that I had created in Illustrator for each product suite, recorded demos in Camtasia of the curricula my team and I built, and used After Effects and Premier Pro to create the video.

Fueling a passion for learning

Required Training
Empowering System Administrators
I was asked to create a video announcing that a certain level of training would be required of system administrators in the Cornerstone LMS before they could file a support request. Using Illustrator, Photoshop, Audition, After Effects, and Premiere Pro, I created an animated explainer video to share with our user base.
Exploring a Partnership
Revolutionizing online learning through dynamic collaboration
Cornerstone Foundation, a free online learning portal delivering professional development and capacity builiding skills to over 650,00 learners worldwide, and Grovo, an education technology company focused on microlearning applications, partnered to co-develop content. I was asked to create a video to announce this partnership. I used Camtasia, Illustrator, Photoshop, Audition, and Premiere Pro to produce this project.


From Boring to Bold
Exceeding expectations and garnering praise from learners with in-demand materials
Situation: One of my teammates and a Foundation partner authored this document to inform and support the enhancement of a formalized and systematized framework for people management practices in nonprofit, humanitarian, and development organizations. While it was filled with great information, there was extremely low use.
Objective: Redesign the document to increase use and engagement.
Action: I chunked the information to prevent cognitive overload, improved the UX by adding visual cues, added interactivity, and simplified the navigation with hyperlinks to bring this interactive PDF to life.
Tools used:

Result: After the relaunch, this document became one of the most requested materials in our portal with 63% 5-star reviews and once it was translated, became the most requested item for our French learners.
Clarifying a Complex Process
Enhancing the certification experience and driving success through simplified processes
Situation: Humanitarian U in collaboration with leading humanitarian organizations and academic institutions created a certification that defined the key behaviors essential for effective humanitarian response. The certification process was complex, leaving learners confused and resulting in a multitude of support cases.
Objective: Create a step-by-step visual guide to clarify the process and reduce support cases.
Action: I converted an entirely text-based, long PDF document to something visual with this Quick Reference series, adding steps and visuals to give learners context cues and understand that it was a step-by-step process.
Result: Learners successfully completed the certification process and support cases were reduced by 74%.

The Learner Journey
Driving LMS success with tailored training that simplifies learning

Situation: Cornerstone University develops training for the Cornerstone Learning Management System (LMS) administrators and users. We evaluated the learning journey of admins and users and determined that training needed to be reimagined to help system admins learn system functionality and increase the adoption of new product enhancements, as there were far too many support cases opened that could be solved with better product knowledge and adoption.
Objective: Targeted learning of the LMS and new product enhancements to help admins and users become more self-sufficient, increase product adoption, and reduce care cases.
Action: I designed branded documents and short videos,
chunking information into clearly defined modules, then
developed an interactive PDF to link users directly to the
assets they needed to consume in order to become
self-sufficient adopters, including guides and
Quick Reference Cards.
Tools used:
Result: Post-launch, Global Product Support reported fewer cases and system administrators responded postively to the changes.